27 March 2025, The Netherlands
Queen Máxima visits Brabant's Pioneers in Biobased Construction
Yesterday, Queen Máxima visited two leading pioneers in biobased construction in Brabant. The working visit, organised by Building Balance, focused on scaling up the use of natural materials such as hemp, flax, straw, and miscanthus in the construction industry. These renewable bio-based resources offer a solution to the nitrogen and CO2 challenges.
Photo credits: Martijn van Leeuwen

4 March 2025, The Netherlands
An exciting step forward in the application of biobased materials in the construction industry
Last month, Istrolatie inblaas isolatie and ThermoStro, two Dutch companies pioneering biobased materials, received a KOMO certificate for their innovative blown straw.
This pioneering certificate ensures the quality and consistency of both the product and the production process, and is open for use by the entire construction sector.

11 February 2025, Luxembourg
A Walloon company behind a new low-carbon 3-in-1 construction system
Paille-Tech, a company specializing in the prefabrication of load-bearing walls made of wood, straw and clay, has developed 12-meter-high facade walls, equivalent to 3 stories! This is a first in the construction world and for Paille-Tech, which took on the challenge of creating these elements for a building project in Luxembourg. This "all-in-one" system allowed the building to be enclosed in 8 days.

18 October 2024, online
Circular Reno in action!
We’re excited to share our latest video showcasing the innovative work behind the Circular Reno project. Watch how we’re transforming buildings across Europe with sustainable, biobased solutions, creating comfortable, energy-efficient homes while reducing environmental impact.

7 October 2024, IE
Partner Days Circular Reno: Let's go green in Dublin
It was a pleasure reconnecting with all our Circular Reno partners in Dublin on September 26th and 27th. Ian Hutchcroft once again proved to be an outstanding moderator, guiding us through the value chain presentations by country and the rest of the program.

10 September 2024, IE
Partners collaborating in the Circular Reno project. That’s how we roll!
It’s one of the most important steps to take: setting up regionalised, cost-efficient value chains for biobased building materials. It’s the basis of our international project Circular Reno, but how exactly do we set up these value chains? Keep reading to find out!

Circular Reno: Unlocking the potential of biobased insulation in Wallonia
The transition towards sustainable construction practices is an essential step in addressing the global climate crisis. Wallonia, the Belgian region, is spearheading this movement through the Energiesprong Circular Reno programme.

19 June 2024, The Netherlands
First homes insulated using straw as part of the Circular Reno project
In Uden, Brabant, in the Netherlands, the first housing corporation homeshave been insulated usingstraw from the Telers Coöperatie Agrarische Bouwmaterialen (TCAB). Straw from thisregion is an effective and #sustainable insulation material, meaning that tenants in theBrabant housing corporations not only save energy, but also contribute to a greener future!

12 June 2024, The Netherlands
Launch of the National Knowledge Centre for Biobased Construction in the Netherlands
Exciting things are happening in the Netherlands with the launch of the newDutch National Knowledge Centre for Biobased Construction (Nationaal Kenniscentrum Biobased Bouwen -NKBB)by theoutgoing Minister Hugo de Jonge in June, during Provada.

7 May 2024, The Netherlands
Insulating with straw: Achterhoek success!
Biobased building together is really taking shape, with no fewer than two projects in which insulation has been completed usingchopped straw!
Along with other housing organisations, our #CircularReno partnerin The NetherlandsWonionhas used strawblown into thesloping roofs of existinghomes to improve their #energyefficiency

4 June 2024, online
Newsletter June - Busy times for busy bees
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. Life is moving at a crazy pace, isn’t it? We’re all caught up in the hustle and bustle, so don’t forget to take some time for yourself. Whether you’re relaxing on vacation or just looking for a little escape, reading this newsletter could be the perfect way to unwind.

25 april 2024, online
Partner Days online: Release your inner spirit animal
It was great to see you all again (or for the first time, welcome University of Bonn!) online. We discussed progress on our deliverables, according to Erac and by country, began thinking about the idea of an innovation parade and held the second working session of the Transnational Working Groups. If you don't have acces to the Erac Teams environment, please contact alyssa@bureaudoor.nl

25 January 2024, FR
Partner Days Circular Reno: Tout est possible á Lille
We had a full two-day programme together, discussing the progress of our work packages, working on our transnational working groups and visiting several sites in France. Luckily, in between we also had some time to get acquainted on a bit more of a personal level.

4 January 2024, UK
Energiesprong wins Gold World Habitat Award for Project Revolutionizing Home Retrofitting
Energiesprong is very happy to announce today that it has been awarded the prestigious Gold World Habitat Award. This award recognises Energiesprongs innovative and financially sustainable approach to addressing climate change and improving energy efficiency in the building sector.

1 January 2024, FR
Circular Reno x Cluster Eco Construction
15 partenaires de Belgique, d'Allemagne, de France, d'Irlande et des Pays-Bas coopèrent au projet Circular Reno, qui couvre la période 2023 - 2026.

22 December 2023, The Netherlands
Provincie Noord-Brabant investeert 1,53 miljoen in biobased economie
De provincie Noord-Brabant maakt de komende jaren € 1,53 miljoen vrij om de biobased (land)bouweconomie in de regio aan te jagen. Dit doen ze in samenwerking met Building Balance. De provinciale bijdrage is vorige week goedgekeurd door Gedeputeerde Staten voor de periode 2024-2027.

22 November 2023, The Netherlands
Newsletter November – Thank you
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter at a time when the news hits us with wars, fear and despair, with only an occasional glimmer of light. The climate crisis is also far from over, but the movement dedicated to tackling this challenge is growing. Its voice is getting louder, its voice is being heard. Energiesprong feels part of this global movement. We know that we can’t solve such a big problem all at once, we have to take small steps. With our everlasting efforts we are taking these small steps, with heart and soul.

8 November 2023, The Netherlands
Circular Reno x Building Balance: NABB
On the 8th of November The National Approach to Biobased Construction (NABB) was presented. Four ministries, BZK, I&W, LNV and EZK, are allocating 200 million euros to stimulate the large-scale use of bio-based building materials. Building Balance will be the implementing organization for this plan and will focus on setting up and supporting chains.

22 september 2023, online
Partner Days online Circular Reno: learning together even when we are apart
It was a pleasure to see all of you during our online partner meeting that was all about the progress of the work packages. We had a full agenda and to keep a nice overview here is a recap of the meeting. We are going to share our documents on SharePoint. Please contact sander@erac.nl if you cannot access this.

11 & 12 July 2023, The Netherlands
Partner days Circular Reno; a little bit of magic in The Netherlands
We had two very exciting days in the Netherlands and were inspirated by the sight visits in Almere, Arnhem and Lemelerveld! First, we were amazed by all the bio-based materials at The Naturel Pavilion and then we got blown away visiting our partners Miscancell and RC panels.

6 June 2023, France
Kick-off Circular Reno: Bienvenue à Lille
What a blast did we have at our first Circular Reno meeting in Lille! We were thrilled to introduce you all to our new project.
The day started with an introduction of Circular Reno & setting up biobased value chains in the Netherlands.

6 June 2023, France
Nouveau projet Interreg : Circular Reno
Le Cluster participe activement à la programmation Interreg North-West Europe via un tout nouveau projet : Circular Reno
La nouvelle vague Interreg VI a démarré.
Le programme Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) encourage la coopération transnationale pour faire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest un acteur économique clé et un lieu de travail et de vie attrayant, avec des niveaux élevés d'innovation, de durabilité et de cohésion. Interreg North-West Europe finance des organisations pour qu'elles collaborent sur des thèmes spécifiques comme l’économie circulaire dans notre cas.

30 May 2023
Exciting projects: Global Alliance
With the Global Alliance focusing on more than energy transition alone, we are thrilled to introduce you to some of our new projects.
We’ve got our teeth into the new Interreg NWE project ‘Circular Reno’, where we’ll develop biobased & recycled / reused material solutions for retrofits. The focus will be on delivering 4 scalable biobased deep energy retrofit packages for both social and individual housing on 4 sites (in total 88 homes), using a range of biobased solutions, experimenting with the different biobased materials (straw, wood, etc.) that grow in various countries.